Personal Information
Address and Financial Information
External links

PERSONAL INFORMATION will not give, sell, loan, rent, lease, barter or publish your personal information to a third party. Data Collected from you is used only to help process your orders, protect against fraud, keep you informed, and for our own sales analysis.


Our site uses an order form for customers to request information, products and services. We collect visitor’s contact information including but not limited to addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and financial information (account or credit card numbers). Information is gathered by for the sole benefit of and Ski Pro Inc. Contact information from the order form is used to verify identity, send orders, information about our company, and promotional material from our company. The customer’s contact information is also used to get in touch with the customer when necessary.
Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for products and services. Our online form asks visitors for contact information (typically the customer’s email address) and demographic information (like their zip code, age, or income level). We may use contact data from our forms to send our customers promotional material from Ski Pro Inc. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings.


Our site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping cart and for other purposes such as site personalization. You can reject cookies and still use the site, however, it will disable the ability for the site to recognize your cart, your account and any personalization efforts.